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BHPC Font Family Cup & 3rd of July Cup

Barrington Hills Polo Club
Font Family Cup
3rd of July Cup  
Both tournaments open to all USPA players/teams, but spots are limited and in event that we reach quota, preference will be given to current Barrington Hills Polo Club members.  Please email your entries to Joan-Carles Brugue (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by June 17th.  Indicate which tournament(s) you are entering, player name, team name (if appropriate), and USPA grass handicap.  
Font Family Cup
Saturday & Sunday June 30th and July 1stTwo brackets:  2-4 Goal (full team required) and -2-0 Goal (sign up as individual and/or team; half positions accepted)
  • Font Family Farm, 4335 Eldamain Road, Plano IL 60545
  • 2-4 Goal games will start in morning and -2-0 Goal games in the afternoon
  • Four chukker format
  • Cost $150 per player for the two-day event (will cover umpiring, flaggers, food, etc.)
  • Overnight stabling/paddocks available for up to 20 horses (bring your own hay/grain)
3rd of July Cup
Tuesday July 3rd Two brackets:  2-4 Goal (full team required) and -2-0 Goal (sign up as individual and/or team; half positions accepted)
  • Hosted at the Sanfilippo estate, 10697 Braeburn Road, Barrington Hills, IL 60010
  • Four chukker format.  0-4 Goal will be limited to 3 players on the field, while -2-0 Goal will be played with traditional 4 player teams
  • 2-4 Goal games will start in morning and -2-0 Goal games in the afternoon
  • Cost $100 per player for the one day event (will cover umpiring, flaggers, food, etc.)
All participants must e-sign the Barrington Hills Polo Club liability waiver available in the club's website.  The liability waiver can be accessed and filled electronically at http://www.barringtonhillspolo.com/log-in-members.  Grooms or anyone handling horses must complete the liability waiver.  No need to do so if you have done it in the past.1 - Send payment via PayPal or Chase QuickPay to Barrington Hills Polo Club under email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..2 - Bring check payable to Barrington Hills Polo Club and hand it to Joan-Carles Brugue, Cash will be accepted (write your name on bills), but checks are preferred and if you can combine payment for full team even better.
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Barrington Hills Polo Club
208A Braeburn Rd
Barrington Hills, IL60010
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