El Solar Polo
- Parent Category: POLO CLUBS
- Uploaded by Nazir Asmal
- Published in Polo Club News
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A bit of El Solar Polo:
Working young horses at El solar
El Solar Polo, attracts polo player from all over the world, London, Cyprus, France, Spain, Beijing and so on.
We concentrate heavily in polo riding priority letting the player loose with the stick.
Once they are reasonable riders, we teach them to stick & ball safely.
Once they are able to control the horse and stick & ball simultaneously, we play beginner ckukkas, long and instructional.
Attached you will find an example:
Miss England
El Solar focus on entrepreneurs that want to play local polo initially until they are confidence enough to play on the main polo circles.
El Solar Polo also focus on make thoroughbred polo ponies in London, Shangai & Argentina.
Miss England-stick balling for the first time
Stick balling young horses in El Solar
Stick ball at El Solar
Teaching Miss England to Ride-school a polo pony